A Christmas message from www.kirstyskids.org Chairman.
We have been busy having an amazing wonderful time with Kirstyskids.org this year.
None of this would have been possible without the support of everyone who has contributed, given up time, donated cash, materials such as paper, T shirts, Newsletters, the list is endless. The bottom line is that we couldn’t do what we do without you all.
I have been thinking about personal Christmas memories. Memories often while serving abroad during my Military career, thinking about the importance of friendship and those experiencing the same feelings while being away from the family table over the festive season and the importance of friendship in those years.
During this week those memories often took me back on duty while working as a Police officer. Christmas time often meant an increase in violent crime, increases in burglary as materialistic ideals, the latest must have gifts became so important that some people would turn to crime.
Increased pressures on parents due to debts, stress and strains often resulted in domestic violence, increased alcoholism, fear and despair more often than not from the children who had a ring side seat to the violence and often suffered neglect and abuse themselves.
For me Christmas is a time to think about friends and family and to listen. Often becoming involved in the stress of the event getting increasingly fraught over the preparation’s that some people forget to think about the true meaning of Christmas.
The Children are the future they are our most treasured possession and they need to have a voice, we need to listen to our kids. We need to hear them and give them time. Forgetting the Social media, the computer, the mobile phone for the day and spending time for our children is the most precious gift we can find the most valuable thing we can offer to our children is our time. This true gift cannot be bought from a shop is more valuable than anything money can buy and will last longer.
Sitting with the kids this Christmas and talking, going for walks playing games using shadows on the walls we don’t need to stress over Christmas just enjoy be happy and stay safe.
Here’s wishing you some of the best Christmas memories this Christmas. Have a wonderful time and a very happy New Year.
John C Bryden.