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Monday 8th July 2013

Day 5 Foot Prints.

"By my calculations I am on target to make the sponsored 8,000 miles in 4 weeks. I am aware that this little bike is struggling and I have stopped to carry out some repairs. I also think it would be wise to get a dry night in before the wet bit and the cold north. Turning everything off. Thanks for the masses of support. This challenge is certainly a tad character building and one thinks its getting a little fresh old chap"

"1,100 miles to go to reach the furthest out post. Then to meet our charity friends in Moscow."

"Kirkeness border in a few days all going OK at present. I love Norway so fantastic and incredible friendly drivers everywhere. Thanks for all the donations on Kirsty's Kids. Eeyore's Endurance Challenge, I pray we reach the 15,000. Please keep sharing our page. Together we can make this figure come true. Thank you"


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